Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG
Farbnuance GmbH
Alt-Neundorf 21
01796 Pirna
Handelsregister: HRB 26600
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Dresden
Vertreten durch:
André Rother
Telefon: 03501 7107181
Telefax: 03501 7107183
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
DE 259753967
Redaktionell verantwortlich
Farbnuance GmbH
Alt-Neundorf 21
01796 Pirna
Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit:
Unsere E-Mail-Adresse finden Sie oben im Impressum.
Wir sind nicht bereit oder verpflichtet, an Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teilzunehmen.
Bildnachweis / Urheberrechtskennzeichnung
© amedeoemaja / #199833252 /,,, (Image by coolvector, Pinsel von Freepik, Handmalerei von cookie_studio, Bild von stockking, Bild von Freepik), (Paint icons created by Freepik, Customer service icons created by Eucalyp, Scaffolding icons created by Freepik, Painting icons created by Freepik, Guarantee icons created by Saepul Nahwan, Anatomy icons created by Freepik, Paint bucket icons created by mynamepong, Eye icons created by Freepik, Radiation icons created by Leremy, Testimonial icons created by juicy_fish, Blog icons created by BomSymbols, Project icons created by Smashicons, Using phone icons created by kornkun, Question icons created by Freepik, Toolbox icons created by Freepik, Customer service icons created by Designing Hub, Calendar icons created by Freepik, Work experience icons created by srip, Drawing icons created by Freepik, Window icons created by Freepik, Partners icons created by Kalashnyk, Delivery icons created by kosonicon, Lift truck icons created by Eucalyp, Call back icons created by Freepik, Door icons created by Good Ware, Floor icons created by Freepik, Facade icons created by Freepik, Wall icons created by Smashicons, Floor icons created by Smashicons, Wood icons created by winnievinzence, Ceramics icons created by Freepik, House icons created by iconixar, Brush icons created by afif fudin, Drawing icons created by Freepik, Floor icons created by Freepik, Spatula icons created by Freepik, Garage icons created by Muhammad Atif, Bathroom icons created by Freepik, Art and design icons created by Freepik, Grinding icons created by Ranah Pixel Studio, Coats icons created by Smashicons, Wall icons created by Smashicons, Ceiling icons created by Freepik, New house icons created by Darius Dan, Renovation icons created by Eucalyp, 5g icons created by juicy_fish, Living room icons created by Freepik, Kitchen icons created by Freepik, Bedroom icons created by surang, Corridor icons created by Fazrian Zahrawani, Desk icons created by Freepik, Doctor visit icons created by Konkapp, Fireplace icons created by piksart, Pillar icons created by PIXARTIST, Window icons created by Georgy, Interior icons created by Vector Squad, Metal icons created by Freepik, Steel icons created by Smashicons, Metal icons created by Freepik, Work from home icons created by KP Arts, Residential icons created by Dewi Sari, Library icons created by Freepik, Factory icons created by srip, Buildings icons created by DinosoftLabs, Semi detached icons created by Freepik, Association icons created by Uniconlabs, Arrow icons created by Cursor Creative, Meter icons created by Us and Up, Brick wall icons created by Freepik, Partition icons created by Flat Icons Design, Sliding door icons created by Rean-me, Texture icons created by Smashicons, Wall icons created by Smashicons, Aluminium icons created by Freepik, Fabric icons created by Graphix’s Art, Dinning table icons created by Talha Dogar, Drywall icons created by Freepik, Basement icons created by Muhammad Ali)
Realisierung, Konzeption und Umsetzung der Website:
iTanum IT OHG
Internetagentur in Pirna
Webdesign, Programmierung und Suchmaschinenoptimierung
Marek Hering, Till Kleinert, Martin Milowsky
Siegfried-Rädel-Straße 35
01796 Pirna